Dedalus joins BRIDGE initiative

News release
Sep 5, 2024

Last April, Dedalus participated in the BRIDGE General Assembly 2024, which is an initiative of the European Commission and CINEA, aimed at fostering collaboration among projects funded under Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe in the areas of Smart Grids, Energy Storage, Islands, and Digitalisation.

The General Assembly is a key annual event that gathers participants to share project outcomes, discuss challenges, and set future directions for collaboration. The 2024 meeting, held in Brussels, involved over 220 representatives from 92 different projects and featured both in-person and online participation.

Key highlights from the assembly included presentations on major regulatory updates and policy developments, such as the EU Grid Action Plan, regulatory frameworks for demand response, and the Net-Zero Industry Act. Several completed projects presented their key outcomes and lessons learned, while new projects showcased their work and expected results. A significant focus was placed on consumer and citizen engagement, with discussions about smart tools, engagement strategies and indicators for measuring citizen involvement in energy projects.

The Regulation Working Group emphasised regulatory challenges in energy markets, such as market access, peer-to-peer energy sharing, and coordination of energy and flexibility markets. Discussions also addressed the integration of new topics, including e-mobility, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity.

The Business Models Working Group explored tools for building business models, methods for quantifying benefits, and the use of data value chains. Meanwhile, the Data Management Working Group focused on secure data exchange, interoperability, and the development of a use-case repository.

Overall, the assembly identified several areas for improvement, including enhanced communication among working groups, more regular meetings and greater engagement with external initiatives. Future steps include increased support for policy development, the introduction of new topics, and further exploration of synergies between projects to strengthen collaboration across Europe.

Dedalus will participate in the BRIDGE initiative activities for the next two years, collaborating through its network of Consortium partners in the four working groups mentioned above

Diego Arnone, as Dedalus coordinator, said:” In my role as a coordinator of the DEDALUS project and on behalf of the entire Dedalus  consortium, I’m proud to bring our research activities to the BRIDGE Initiative. The osmotic relationship between the different projects within BRIDGE is greatly beneficial, as it facilitates result sharing, discussions on open issues, and finding solutions for topics that are common to most of the participating projects. It is a collaborative and stimulating environment where, through synergies among the various EU-funded projects involved in the initiative, it will be possible to make a tangible contribution to achieving the decarbonization and energy efficiency goals set by Europe for 2030″.

At this link are available the main highlights of the last General Assembly.

(Photo Credits: European Commission, BRIDGE Initiative)