
Over the course of the project, the Dedalus framework will be applied, implemented, and validated in 7 real-life pilots across 7 countries.

The large geographical coverage of the pilot sites aims to support the large-scale EU wide replicability and market take-up of solutions in different socio-economical contexts to maximize the impact of Dedalus services across Europe.

7 Romania


The Technical University is situated in Cluj-Napoca, 455 kilometers away from Bucharest. The university’s campus includes a student hostel with 2 buildings and a restaurant, offering students the opportunity to rent apartments on a yearly basis. These 2 buildings are the pilot site in the Dedalus project. 


The scope of this pilot is to validate on top of the available pilot infrastructure a blockchain framework for DR program management.  The main objective is building-level decentralized flexibility prediction and aggregation to be used on the day ahead market to benefit from better energy prices or for local congestion management.


Blockchain solutions for demand response management and flexibility aggregation.